Vyond: Drive Results with Video

With Vyond, anyone can make media that moves. Built for professionals of all skill levels in all industries, Vyond lets you create dynamic videos for any audience. Why Vyond? True to life character and object movement Thousands of pre-animated objects, expressions,...

Key factors in endpoint threat detection

Artificial intelligence or AI is fast becoming a key technology for the life sciences field. Combined with advanced analytics, it has almost limitless potential to deliver superior data, leading to better and more efficient drug development, reduced costs and...

That’s why Bluebeam® Revu® is best in class…

Bluebeam® Revu® is a project efficiency and collaboration solution used by more than 1.3 million design and construction professionals worldwide. It’s a perfect solution that benefits the AEC industry: a) Architecture b) Engineering c) Construction Revu will maximise...
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