Let Customer Service Drive Business Growth

It’s common to find SaaS companies working tirelessly to deliver awesome customer service and increase efficiency at the same time. Needless to say, running a support department is a hefty investment, so your team needs to be efficient without compromising the quality...

QBS acquires leading MSP Distributor.

Mayfair, 20/3 – QBS Technology Group have acquired the majority shareholding in UK based MSP Distributor Zedsphere. This is the second acquisition in as many months for QBS and further strengthens the recurring revenue business model for the QBS group. This adds...

‘White Hats v Black Hats’ – Day Two.

The Cloud and Cyber Security Expo 12 – 13 March 2019 ExCel London Superheroes yesterday, headgear is my metaphor for the second day of this important anti-cybercrime exhibition and conference. As is usual at these events, the hall was quieter than Day One, but...
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