Partners and customers of TeamViewer can benefit from a new and comprehensive sustainability programme — set to hit company targets for climate neutrality no later than 2025.

Joining forward-thinking partners (including QBS), TeamViewer has laid out a new strategy for environmental sustainability that connects its business model and product promises with corporate culture.

“With the TeamViewer c-a-r-e programme, we emphasise the importance that access to modern technologies, equality, and CO2 reduction have for us,” says Alexander Gührer, director for corporate development at TeamViewer.

“As part of our efforts, we accelerate our commitment to becoming climate-neutral, now aiming to achieve net-zero no later than 2025 – five years earlier than originally planned.”

How TeamViewer drives sustainable IT environments

TeamViewer, a leading global provider of remote connectivity and workplace digitalisation solutions, recognises the need to create a world that not only works better in every way but does not contribute to environmental damage and carbon emissions.

Sustainability is already core to TeamViewer — since products including its all-in-one solution for remote online access and support, that can connect to any PC or server around the world within a few seconds, were born out of the need for less travel.

The c-a-r-e programme is bundling TeamViewer’s sustainability activities together as well as defining clear and related commitments, targets, and measures.

A further advantage for partners and customers is that by using TeamViewer technology to maintain, repair and access devices from mobile phones and computers to heavy equipment, robots and vehicles, organisational carbon footprints can be significantly reduced.

Regarding its own footprint, TeamViewer participates in the Carbon Disclosure Project for sustainability reporting and scrutinises its emissions according to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol.

Last year alone, the company slashed its carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) emissions by a third.

Talk to us today about how partnering QBS and TeamViewer for enterprise remote connectivity can help you and your customers meet stringent sustainability targets.

( Image by No-longer-here from Pixabay )

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