5nine Manager


Simplify Hyper-V Management, Monitoring and
Capacity Planning with a Powerful and Easy-to-use GUI

5nine Manager is a centralised, GUI-based management and monitoring solution for Microsoft Hyper-V, including Server Core and Nano Server. Its easy-to-use interface, powerful feature set and lightweight implementation simplify the process of managing and configuring virtualised environments.

Key Features:

  • Increase Operational Efficiency: Unified management of virtual resources enables your team to complete more work in less time
  • Eliminates Complexity, Saves Time: Our simple, easy-to-use interface empowers administrators of any skill level to work quickly and efficiently
  • Strengthen Business Continuity: Built-in fault tolerance, replication, backup and recovery mitigate risk of downtime and data loss
  • Maintain IT Agility and Independence: Support for software-defined networking (SDN) streamlines network infrastructures and enables vendor independence
  • Mitigate Unnecessary Security Risks: Role-based access model mitigates unauthorized users from making malicious or accidental changes
  • Lower Total Cost of Ownership: Built-in fault tolerance, replication, backup and recovery mitigate risk of downtime and data loss


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