DISK Protect

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Full disk encryption solution securing data on desktop and laptop PCs from theft and loss.

DISK Protect is an assured full disk encryption solution securing data on touch-screen tablets, laptops, desktops, servers and removable media from theft and loss. Devices can be encrypted at any time and once installed, all data is encrypted transparently, thereby allowing authorised users to access data with no impact on performance.

DISK Protect is available in number of approved variants, suitable for protecting commercially sensitive data right through to a high-grade version that is used to protect UK classified data (up to SECRET).

DISK Protect is available in the following editions:

  • Standard: Suitable for lower threat environments including commercial and government organisations where FIPS 140-2 is sufficient. Centralised management, one factor authentication and single sign-on ensure that it is easy to deploy, manage and use.
  • CPA: Suitable for organisations that require accreditation (including government, military and NATO organisations), but also available for commercial entities that demand more confidence in their security product. Customers can achieve all the benefits of full centralised management, but would typically be configured for two-factor authentication. No CESG sales approval is required.
  • CAPS: Available for the higher threat environments within UK government, military and NATO organisations where certification is necessary. Published security procedures also provide appropriate guidance throughout the life of the product. Security constraints, due to product architecture and operational procedures, means that some auditing and reporting capability is available, but not full central management.

Key Features:

  • Touch Screen Edition
  • Transparent to the user
  • Pre-boot authentication
  • Multi-user support at pre-boot
  • Supports Two Factor authentication
  • Removeable media encryption
  • Secure hibernation
  • Single sign-on
  • Standalone capability
  • Full centralised managemnet
  • Central auditing and reporting
  • Netstart option
  • Central key escrow

DISK Protect – Features

Protecting your organisations data Organisations today have the challenge not only to secure their company data from loss or theft, but also to meet new information security and storage regulations. Increasingly data is vulnerable when PCs or laptops are lost or stolen, particularly as PCs are used to store large amounts of data, and as laptops are taken off the premises to enable flexible working.
With recent high profile cases of data loss, the protection of personal or company data is now being mandated through legislation or contractual obligations. A breach of such conditions may lead to fines, loss of contract and even loss of revenue, as well as the potential media coverage that can lead to damage in reputation and brand.

How it works
Becrypt DISK Protect works by encrypting every section of the hard drive, preventing unauthorised access to anyone accessing the files without permission. DISK Protect provides strong authentication to load the operating system and access user files and it will allow users to protect their existing and any new data without causing any impact on day to day operations. The product can be installed at any time, and will encrypt data while the user works. Once installed, all read/write requests are decrypted/encrypted on the fly without user interaction, allowing users to continue to use the system as normal. Enterprise management software allows recovery data and audit logs to be recorded centrally, while the deployment can take place with no user interaction required, preventing any down time of equipment.


Features Benefits
Provides installation to all Windows environments
from a single installer
Can be deployed to thousands of users quickly with
minimal user interaction and no disruption to business
activities, systems can be secured within hours
Centralised management provides enterprise level
control and management over all protected machines
Easy to manage any machines on the network with
no disruption to users
Encryption overhead is minimal and happens in the
background transparently without any disruption to
business activities
Easy to use users can detect no noticeable
performance changes
Data is encrypted automatically Easy to use users do not have to remember to
encrypt data, nor have to wait for encryption to
complete before closing down their machine
Single sign on allows integration to desktop and
device recovery
Flexible for users they do not need multiple
passwords and secure access allowed in the event
that a password is forgotten
Secure hibernation All data is protected when the machine goes into
Secure wipe for decommissioning machines Ensures data on encrypted machine is indecipherable
when the PC is reassigned
Removable media protection Secures data on removable media such as USB
connected storage devices and disks that can be
password protected.
Multiple users can be added onto a single PC Allows the secure sharing of resources and aids
organisational flexibility

DISK Protect – System Requirements

System Requirements

Operating Systems

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP SP1, Windows XP SP2
  • Windows XP Tablet (with virtual keyboard support at boot time)
  • Windows 2003 Server
  • Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Smart Card support

  • DoD Common Access FIPS-201 compliant smartcard
  • DoD Common Access (Javacard) smartcard
  • RSA SecurID


  • AES 128 / 256 bit
  • SHA 256


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