EZManage SQL

SKU: EZMANAGE Categories: , Brand:


Centralised administration of databases across multiple servers running Microsoft SQL and available in Standard, Backup and Professional Editions. Select a full or point in time restoration via a graphical interface.
EZ Manage SQL enables centralised administration of databases across multiple Microsoft SQL servers. It is available in the following Editions:

  • EZ Manage SQL Standard Edition: a full management product for one server running Microsoft SQL Server including automated maintenance, monitoring and extended SQL backup features and optimisations
  • EZ Manage SQL Backup Edition: recovery suite for Microsoft SQL Server databases
  • EZ Manage SQL Professional Edition: centralised management and control system for multiple servers running Microsoft SQL Server handling optimisation, maintenance, monitoring, encrypted back up and restoration.

EZManage SQL – Features

EZ Manage SQL Standard Edition
EZ Manage SQL Backup Edition
EZ Manage SQL Professional Edition

EZ Manage SQL Standard Edition

Features include:

  • Default Settings: for maintenance tasks, back up and monitoring notifications
  • Back Up Mechanism: extends beyond the scope of SQL Server. Compression rates are approximately 95%. Completed back up files are transferred to a remote network or FTP location. Command line abilities can be performed upon failure or success
  • Extended Restore Mechanism: select a full or point in time restoration via a graphical interface including automatic decompression of back up sets, real-time location selection for moved or missing files and creation of new databases from existing backed up files
  • Pre-defined Rules: for creating and understanding complex scheduled and immediate tasks including a graphical view for attaching rules to mutliple databases across servers
  • Extended Management Centre: for each server providing an overall view of the logical drives including the disk size used by each database and a summary view. It provides database and SQ serrver alerting based upon user-defined thresholds for monitoring databases, processor memory, logical drives and services and database size, properties, back up and restoration. Deliver notifications to user-defined groups of SMTP recipients according to each alert. A graphical indiactor shows the status of each commected server and includes drill down capabilities to the level of the database
  • Database Optimisation: use intelligent index optimisation enabling real-time defragmenting and re-building
  • Database Management Centre: alter database properties, view and control user connection, track back up history and view database files graphically
  • SQL Query Tool: execute TSQL queries, browsing and modifying of content of database tables including SQL syntax colouring.

EZ Manage SQL Backup Edition

Features include:

  • Centralised Backup Management: automate server backups from a single location and attach a single backup schedule to multiple database servers
  • Monitoring and Alerts: constant monitoring of the system with instant notification in the event of backup failure
  • Any Pouint in Time Restoration: useful for regulatory compliance and ensures that data are not lost
  • Security and Encryption: backups are encrypted
  • Back Up Reports: available for multiple databases and servers, consolidated into a single report.

EZ Manage SQL Professional Edition

Features include:

  • Central Management of Multiple SQL Servers:
    • Monitor the status of servers and databases on a single screen with drill-down capabilities
    • Configurable dashboard for viewing servers and databases
    • Display database locks and the cause (SQL statement)
    • Intervene and release locks
    • Monitor all server jobs in one screen and prioritise
    • Edit scheduled tasks from multiple servers
    • Quick launch of Microsoft remote desktop, Windows Explorer or a command shell screen on a remote server
    • Assign multiple servers to groups for visual and logical order and administration
  • Built-in Disaster Recovery:
    • Faster backup and restoration speed than native SQL
    • Backup encryption
    • Ultra-high compression of backup files by up to 90%
    • Open compressed backups using standard tools
    • Fine tuning options to set optimum backup speed and compression
    • Restore to any point of time in a single click
    • Restoration and duplication of databases to different servers
    • Sends backup files off-site by FTP automatically
    • View backup history
    • Perform backups in parallel or sequentially
    • Backup files to TSM and Tape.
  • Monitoring and Alerting:
    • Send notifications By SNMP, SMS or e-mail
    • Define alert distribution lists
    • Set custom notification suites and attach them to multiple databases and servers
  • Automatic Continuing Optimisation:
    • Intelligent index defragmentation (based on the state of each index)
    • Shrinking of log files to a specified size
    • Real optimisation of DB statistics
    • All optimisation taskss are performed according to protocol and best practice sequence.
  • Multi Server Scripting:
    • Run scripts on multiple databases
    • Query multiple servers and databases simultaneously and view a single results table
    • Export query results to Microsoft Excel
    • Print a report of the results
    • Customise and execute scripts from the script library.
  • Use and Implementation:
    • Fast implementation based on pre-defined rules and wizards
    • Pure T-SQL communication to all managed servers
    • Agent-less architecture without requiring installation on target servers.

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EZManage SQL – System Requirements

EZManage SQL can be installed on any server that has Microsoft SQL Server installed with minimal impact on the installed server performance. In addition:

  • Microsoft .NET framework v2.0 or higher must be installed on all managed servers and on the console server
  • Microsoft Windows installer must be installed on all servers and on the console server
  • A username is required to access all SQL instances and servers with administrator privileges.

Professional Edition:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 32-bit
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 (x64), Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 64-bit
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 IA-64
  • Supported servers:
    • SQL Server 2000 Standard Enterprise and MSDE Editions
    • SQL Server 2005 Standard Enterprise and Express* Editions
    • SQL Server 2008 Standard Enterprise and Express* Editions.

    *Partial functionality is supported on Express Editions.


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