FastCube VCL

SKU: FASTCUBE Categories: , , Brand:


Set of desktop OLAP components for Delphi, C++Builder and Lazarus that enables the creation of reports and diagrams, irrespective of the database size.

FastCube enables you to analyse data and to build summary tables (data slices) as well as create a variety of reports and graphs both easily and instantly. It’s a handy tool for the efficient analysis of data arrays.

FastCube is a set of OLAP Desktop components. It supports Delphi 7, 2005, 2006/Turbo, 2007, 2009, XE, XE2, 2007, 2009, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, C++Builder 2007, C++ Builder 2009, C++Builder XE2 – XE6, RAD Studio 2009, Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo and higher and Lazarus.

Key Features:

  • Instant data slice creation. Data sources schemas or SQL queries
  • All basic statistical operations (count, sum, minimum, maximum, average, variance, etc.)
  • Special functions (number of unique values, first value, list of unique values)
  • Filters for measured values
  • Automatic component layout of date and time
  • Unlimited number of measures in a summary table
  • Possible to put data into table columns or table rows, as well as on any level of measurements
  • Calculated data (based on FastScript)
  • Calculated filters for numeric data by using output formatting
  • Calculated filters for values when calculating data (based on FastScript)
  • Numeric data display control by using output formatting
  • Numeric data output as a value or as percent (in a row, column, group or table total)
  • Possible to use data of Date, Time and Row type
  • Conditional highlighting of cell value in a slices (in a range)
  • Possible to minimise measurements as a whole as well as separate values
  • Possible to control the display of totals
  • Control of axis sorting (according to measurement value or data)
  • Control of each level of measurement sorting (line of sorting)
  • Saving of templates (schemas) and data itself for future use
  • Export of FastCube’s slices to Excel, Word or HTML
  • Copying of a highlighted range to the clipboard
  • Reviewing and exporting slices cell details
  • Cube’s/data cube’s export to XML formats : XML for Analysis, xml-msdata, ms rowset or DataPacket
  • Printing by means of FastReport
  • Graph construction by means of TeeChart

FastCube VCL – Features

FastCube enables to create various reports and diagrams instantly irrespective of the database size.

General Features

  • High speed of the information processing by the our traditional code optimization and own data-keeping format.
  • High flexibility of data analysis in the power of full compatible and possibility of use script engine FastScript
  • connect any complexity analysis!
  • Full integration with the FastReport. You can send results from the OLAP-cube to FastReport or, by other way, call OLAP-cube from the FastReport.
  • FastCube is a handy tool for efficient analytical data arrays handling.
  • FastCube usage for report building does not require programmer’s high skill level.
  • You can build FastCube into your applications created in Delphi or Lazarus environments by way of components’ set.
  • Connection to any datasource which supports “TDataSet” interface.
  • There is an opportunity to build ready-made templates for the cube and to prohibit user’s scheme modification.
  • You can export cube’s cutoff into Excel, Word and HTML.
  • All cube’s settings may be performed both by program and a user.

Changes in Version 1.6

  • + Added function TfcAxis.GetVisibleIndexFromAbs(ALevel: Integer; AAbsIndex: Integer; var AIndex: integer; var AVisible: Boolean): Boolean;
  • + Added procedure TfcGrid.SelectCell(ACol, ARow: integer; AMakeVisible: boolean);
  • + Added support for Embarcadero Rad Studio 2010 (Delphi/C++Builder)
  • + Added option mdsoSaveFiltersByValue TfcSlice (save in Schema filters by value)
  • + Added new aggregate function “Last value”. It is possible to use it with any type of the data!
  • + Added property UseParentFont into TfcGridStyles.
  • + Font, color and alignment of TfcGrid are used when print with TfrcGrid.
  • + Added property Font into TfcGridStyle.
  • + Added script property Measure[].TotalValueForDims[‘dim1, dim2, …’] to get measure total value for dimensions dim1, dim2, …
  • + Added Greek resources (thanks Dimitris Karagikas) Added an ability to
  • + use one field for the measures and dimension simultaneously
  • + Added script events OnGetSeriesClass, OnSeriesCreated and OnChartFilled in TfrcChartView.
  • + Updated chart support in unit frcCrossRTTI.
  • + Added property StackType (MultiBar) in TfcChart.
  • + Added support THorizBarSeries in TfcChart.
  • + Added new events OnSaveTemplate and OnLoadTemplate in TfcChart.
  • + Added new property DefaultTemplatePath in TfcChart.
  • + Added new properties DefaultSchemePath, DefaultCubePath and DefaultExportPath in TfcGrid.
  • + Added option in Grid: mdgoChangeOrderByClick – Switching order of sorting by one mouse button clicking.
  • + Added properties Dimensions.IsTotalByCol and Dimensions.IsTotalByRow. You can use this properties in Script.
  • + Added new format type fkCustom (You can to create and registrate custom formates. Use fcCustomFormats.AddFormat. See examples fcExamples).
  • + Added Swedish resources from Niklas Larsson Added FastReport
  • + integration package for BCB6
  • + Added: You simultaneously can change width of all columns in the X axis. Keep key Ctrl at change of width of the column.
  • * Only the UTF8 encoding is now used for scheme files.
  • * Event TfrcGrid.onGetStyles is changed
  • – Fixed export of Null data into various XML formats
  • – Fixed error of reading from stream property StackType (MultiBar) in TfcChart.
  • – Fixed error with property DefaultExportPath in TfcGrid and property DefaultTemplatePath in TfcChart.
  • – Fixed width TfcChartToolBar.
  • – Fixed error of reading Chart Template from version before 1.5.5.
  • – Fixed error: Calculation of sizes of memos is wrong in FastReport if are used different fonts.
  • – Fixed error: AV in Chart if no data in grid
  • – Fixed error: Caption of measures are wrong when dimension is collapsed

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FastCube VCL – System Requirements

OS Supported

  • Windows 98
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2003


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