Full Convert

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Enables and includes conversion scheduler for recurring migrations, built-in database explorer, command-line interface, character set conversion, global datatype translation rules and support for SQL expressions.

Full Convert is a feature-rich database converter. It is a high-speed database converter carefully engineered to efficiently handle even the largest databases. It will effortlesly migrate your database tables with all the data, create indexes, foreign keys and more. All popular databases are supported.

Key Features:

  • Incredible conversion speed:
    • Only dedicated native database components used for maximum speed, control and reliability
    • Auto-select of optimal algorithm to transfer data reliably based on table structure, database engine and database version
    • Speeds of over 30 thousand records per second reached in favorable configurations
    • Speeds of 5 to 15 thousand records per second are common when databases and Full Convert are on the same machine
  • Data Viewing and Editing:
    • In-place editing
    • Editing can be enabled and disabled to avoid accidental modification
    • Full Unicode support for international character data
    • Easy export to Microsoft Excel
  • Table Customisation:
    • Table customisation available for each table separately
    • Renaming of both table and each column
    • Skipping of certain columns in conversion
    • Creation of new columns with specification of SQL data expressions
  • Project Customisation:
    • Conversion step modification (create table, indexes, constraints)
    • Data creation override (copy data, append, no data)
    • Auto-rename objects (table name prefix, table and column casing)
    • Run SQL scripts before and after conversion, on both source and target database
  • Global Options:
    • SQL logging and conversion error logging
    • Specification of source and target table chunk size read into RAM
    • Automatic character-set translation. Manual override available.
    • Global object renaming rules (prefix, casing).

Full Convert – Features

Full Convert is a database conversion application. This application can handle 14 database engines as source and 5 as target. It includes an advanced database browser for inspection of target database both before and after the conversion. Built-in scheduler allows automated conversion without user intervention. Conversion is very easy to set up using the session wizard. Sessions can be saved (they are encrypted) for instant conversion later on. Conversion works totally automatically and does not require any tweaking by user. Full Convert uses separate dedicated direct access components for each database (where possible) for maximum reliability and speed. It is capable of handling millions of records and multi GB databases.

General features

  • Easy to use wizard
    The Session Wizard guides you through the process of setting up connections and choosing tables for conversion. The setup can be saved (it is encrypted) and reused later via single-click open or in the scheduler for zero fuss. Session files also contain advanced user customization per session. This feature is available in Enterprise version only
  • Unparalelled speed
    Each database is handled with dedicated native components, without additional layers such as ODBC. Bulk copying is used (Enterprise version only) where possible, raising conversion speed to tens of thousands of records per second! When you take the application and manage to migrate your multi-gigabyte database to SQL Server or Oracle in mere minutes, you will understand the speed. Data, indexes and constraints are reliably transferred. It even handle invalid values (such as dates out of range). Conversion can be cancelled at any time and all errors are logged.
  • Powerful interface
    Browse through your target database and perform advanced actions. Examine data in the advanced grid. Memo fields can be examined in multi-line view. Multiselect – perform actions on multiple objects at once.

  • Built-in scheduler
    When you need regular updates of a target database, you can take advantage of the sophisticated built-in scheduler. You can migrate your database once, daily, weekly, even monthly. Such scheduled conversion can be run as local account (task runs only when you are logged on as if you started it manually – and you have full interraction with our application) or as system account (invisible and runs no matter if you are logged on or not). Scheduled conversion can automatically write log files.
  • Convert instantly – setup connections, choose tables and go!
  • Convert data, indexes and constraints (depends on database)
  • Browse through your target database and perform advanced actions
  • Command-line support
  • Conversion can be cancelled anytime
  • All errors are logged
  • Invalid field values are converted as nulls and logged on which row they occured – you can convert huge tables without stopping because of few invalid fields
  • Examine tables’ data in advanced grid, memo fields can be examined in multi-line view
  • Multiselect – perform actions on multiple objects at once
  • View all SQL commands issued to database during conversion process for easy revision
  • Change structure of database with ease
    • extract columns and data to another table with all links preserved
    • merge tables
    • drop, rename, modify columns’ properties
    • create indexes
    • drop unused tables
    • drop unused columns

  • Execute freeform SQL
  • See record counts of tables while you work
  • All your actions are recorded and stored in encrypted session file – on next conversion you can choose to simply convert, or to convert and execute all recorded actions – you can automatically convert and change structure to desired with single click

Supported source databases

  • Microsoft Access
  • dBase
  • FoxPro
  • Microsoft Excel documents
  • Interbase/Firebird
  • Lotus 1-2-3
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • ODBC sources
  • Paradox
  • SQL Server
  • Delimited text files
  • XML

Supported target databases

  • MySQL
  • Microsoft SQL ServerT
  • Oracle
  • Microsoft AccessT
  • Interbase/Firebird
If your source database isn’t listed, you can use ODBC to connect to your database, so the list is actually much larger.

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New in Version 4.6

  • Significantly improved conversion speed for Firebird target, around 300% increase
  • Added support for SQL Server Compact Edition, both as a source and as a target
  • Added support for SQL Server 2008 new DATE, TIME and DATETIME2 types
  • Added support for SQL Server 2008 new multi-line SQL insert command
  • Added printing support
  • Added new command-line override. When you specify -override tables to process=*, Full Convert will process all tables from the source
  • Added support for character fields larger than 255 characters in DBF engine
  • Added support for SQL Server XML datatype
  • Increased timeout for command execution in most targets to get rid of timeouts for long index creation
  • Improved performance of connecting to SQL Server and listing its tables
  • Improved handling of very large custom user SQL scripts so that scripts sized hundreds of MB use a minimum of RAM
  • Set default write batch records to 200 as this proved optimal for most target databases.
  • We no more convert dates on each SQL insert to Oracle target. We rather change the session NLS DATE FORMAT and NLS TIMESTAMP FORMAT variables.
  • Auto-creating Access database will now use your default database folder instead of Desktop, if you have specified the folder in the options dialog.
  • Fixed calculating numeric size from DBF source. DBF defines size excluding decimals, while modern databases define it including decimals. These causes occasional numeric overflows during conversion.
  • Fixed trial version issue with SQL Server target where trial watermark can cause string truncation error
  • Fixed handling of tables with percent-sign in the name
  • Fixed handling of table and column names starting with a number for Interbase/Firebird target
  • Fixed case for Oracle target where parameters were not used to insert CLOB data
  • Fixed case for MySQL target where key column names were trimmed to 64 characters alltogether, instead of per-column
  • Fixed conversion from MySQL to MySQL where table engine was enforced with empty string
  • Fixed handing of datetime values where a very small values were incorrectly interpreted as NULL values

New Features in Version 4

Completely rewritten user interface
Database conversion should be as simple as it gets. To simplify the process for you, we have completely rewritten Full Convert user interface.

  • Menu and toolbars are replaced by a ribbon, so you don’t need to dig through menus or wonder if an action will cause data modification.
  • Separated available actions in three tabs – Home, Advanced and Analyze. Most user’s will do everything they need using Home tab only. However, for maximum customization and analysis of the conversion, feel free to explore all the options at your fingertips.

Full Unicode support
This is a much requested feature and was the main cause of the long development of v4.0.

  • You can now be certain that all your fancy characters will remain the same at the target after the conversion. Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic, Slavic, German umlauts etc. won’t be lost and you won’t need to perform character set conversion if your databases are properly configured.

Microsoft Excel is now supported as a target
Another much requested feature.

  • Although we initially added support to export to Excel documents into our data grid, we realized this is going to be cumbersome for hundreds of tables.
  • Excel is now a first-class target. You can even choose whether you want to convert each source table as a different Excel file, or all tables into a single document, easier to send to the colleagues.
  • If you choose to output a single Excel document for all tables (each table will then be represented as a worksheet inside Excel document), just specify its filename. If the file doesn’t exist, Full Convert will create it for you.
  • If you choose to output a separate Excel document for every source table, you need only to specify output folder. Each table will have its final Excel document.
  • You can even explore the resulting Excel documents as a tables right in the Full Convert data grid!

User SQL scripts can be triggered before and after conversion
As much as we are striving to turbocharge the rich customization built into our application, some things can’t be added as they would inevitably complicate the user interface for 99.9% of the users who don’t need the certain feature.

  • For all the power-users who need this, we have built the ability to load, write and execture custom user SQL script before and after the conversion.

    You can:

    • Write the color-coded SQL script right in our own editor
    • Specify the SQL file to be loaded and executed
    • Specify the ZIP file to be loaded, unpacked and have its contents executed

Of course, we think it’s pretty that you can even specify the wildcard file mask of the items inside a ZIP archive that need to be executed.

In-place data editing
Sometimes the data you have in your source database isn’t tidied up. Maybe the database didn’t have all the checks implemented, or it is an old non-relational database where certain checks couldn’t be enforced easily.

  • Whatever the reason, many users need to fix the data here and there after the conversion. If you needed to fire up your SQL editor to do it, you know that it isn’t really a greatest convenience for the job.
  • For easy making of many small changes, you can now click the button in the data toolbar to enable data editing. Editing is disabled by default, so you can’t inadvertently mess up the data.
  • When you are finished with editing, you can click ‘Post’ button to save the canges, or ‘Cancel’ to, well, cancel.

Auto-discovering your source database
Some of our users are incredibly technically advanced. Most aren’t.

  • All is well if you have your databases properly setup and know what to do with the files you got to convert – but we know from our support calls that many users struggle.
  • Maybe you got a bunch of .MDB files and are asked to convert them to Excel. Or are they GDB files? IB? DBF? DB?
  • OK, let’s see if we can simplify your job – from now on, for a file-based databases, just navigate to the folder containing your source files and Full Convert will analyze them and correctly set up your source database parameters.
  • Now, all you need to do is press ‘Next’.

Improved error reporting
Support 14 databases.

  • Each and every of those has its own error messages, inevitably different from others and typically not helpful at all for anyone except database experts.
  • Full Convert will now intercept the exception when it occurs, analyze the error and provide a helpful tip for the common issues. We will expand the errors handled in our upcoming versions.
  • And if you have no idea what to do – or you believe the error is in fact a bug in our application – just click the ‘Report to support team’ button and we will get a technical information about the error and a screenshot. If you are a licensed user, we will even be able to contact you immediately and solve your problem.

Don’t know what to do when you get errors? Can be helped out.
Another time saver when you start to get errors in conversion.

  • Sending error log to our Support Team has never been easier. We have added a direct link to immediately send the errors to Full Convert support.
  • This is just one of the many features built into the Full Convert 4 that is designed to make your experience using our application as pleasant as possible.

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Full Convert – System Requirements

Operating systems

  • Runs on all Windows versions, Vista x64 included

Supported source databases

  • Microsoft Access
  • dBase
  • FoxPro
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Interbase/Firebird
  • Lotus 1-2-3
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • ODBC compliant sources
  • Paradox
  • SQL Server
  • Delimited text files
  • XML

Supported target databases

  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Access
  • Interbase/Firebird
  • Excel


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