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Logic Processor for creating, editing, verifying and compiling decision table logic.
LogicGem is a software tool called a “logic processor” that uses decision table theory. LogicGem consists of a logic editor, and logic compiler. With the logic editor, you can create logic tables spreadsheet-like constructions that encapsulate a set of logical rules. One part of a table contains conditions that can be linked to create a rule, and the other part contains actions that are related to the rules. Once youve defined the rules, the editor will automatically analyze them, add missing rules, and remove those that are redundant or contradictory. Decision table technology is the vehicle by which logically complete business rules may be constructed. When youre done, the logic compiler is available to generate source code in Basic, C, C++, Fortran, FoxPro, Java, Pascal, PowerBuilder, SAS, Visual Basic, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#.NET or Xbase. The compiler will produce a set of English, Spanish, French or German rules that can be used as documentation or as a knowledge base.

LogicGem – Features

LogicGem has a two-fold audience, software developers (programmers) and business analysts (non-programmers). The common thread between these two diverse groups is that they both need to design logically complete business rules. For the programmer, the business rules are in fact functional requirements for a software application that are translated into a programming language that becomes part of the application. For the business analyst or domain expert, the same need exists with the exception of translating the logic to a programming language. Business analysts need to develop concise business rules that represent real life or proposed business processes and these processes need to be every bit as logically robust as a software implementation. Collectively, we can refer to both groups of programmers and business analysts as a “logic engineer”.

Much of the effort in software development does not involve writing code, but rather the process of covering every possible combination of circumstances user input, database transaction, or any other event that the program will encounter. When the programmer or analyst overlooks a possible combination of inputs or events, the program may do things essentially at random. Even worse are errors made during program maintenance, usually by programmers who do not fully understand the interaction between dozens of different possibilities. As it is, logical analysis is tedious and error prone: its easy to omit, duplicate, or contradict conditions.

LogicGem is a software tool called a “logic processor” that addresses these issues using decision table theory. LogicGem consists of a logic editor, and logic compiler. With the logic editor, you can create logic tables spreadsheet-like constructions that encapsulate a set of logical rules. One part of a table contains conditions that can be linked to create a rule, and the other part contains actions that are related to the rules. Once youve defined the rules, the editor will automatically analyze them, add missing rules, and remove those that are redundant or contradictory. Decision table technology is the vehicle by which logically complete business rules may be constructed. When youre done, the logic compiler is available to generate source code in Basic, C, C++, Fortran, FoxPro, Java, Pascal, PowerBuilder, SAS, Visual Basic, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#.NET, or Xbase. The compiler will produce a set of English, Spanish, French or German rules that can be used as documentation or as a knowledge base.

The LogicGem logic processor software tool is designed to provide a familiar, easy-to-use way to create, edit, verify and compile decision table logic. LogicGems logic tables express a problem visually, making it easy to understand. LogicGem provides the means to prototype and expand a high-level procedural concept into a decision table, work it through analysis and design phases, and then generate English language documentation and programming source code in various programming languages. LogicGem provides tools to ensure that a tables logic is complete, unambiguous and contains every applicable rule in an expanded or reduced format.

LogicGem Release Notes

Version 3.0 Build 3000

  • General release of LogicGem. The final release includes all previous updates, revised online help and expanded the Users Guide and QuickStart Guide documentation.

Version 3.0 Build 1035 (RC1)

  • Corrected several additional minor display issues when running under Windows XP with themes enabled
  • Modified the File | Table Comments menu option to define a comment for the table.
  • Updated the table printing functions to eliminate the unused matrix (“M”) column from the table output.
  • Updated the examples included with the product.
  • Updated the Quick Start guide included with the product.
  • Corrected a problem where the File | Print menu option would not work when the table compiler was open. This option will now print the compiled results.
  • Corrected a problem with the Help menu option where the table of contents for the LogicGem help file was not being displayed correctly. Options were also added to display the help index and search tabs.
  • Corrected a problem with some windows not being resized correctly under Windows XP if the user had themes enabled.
  • Added support for Windows XP common controls which will give LogicGem the appearance of a Windows XP application if themes are enabled.
  • Added a new Tip of the Day feature. When LogicGem is started, by default it will display a tip to the user. This can be disabled if the user prefers, and then re-enabled through the Help menu. Note that a tip will not be displayed if the user starts LogicGem by double-clicking on a LogicGem table file.
  • The file extension .LGT (LogicGem Table) will now be associated with LogicGem. The previous versions used a more generic .TAB extension which was typically associated with SQL table script files.
  • The number of languages supported by the compiler has been significantly increased. LogicGem can now generate output for English, French, German, and Spanish. Computer languages supported are BASIC, C, C++, Fortran, FoxPro, Java, Pascal, PowerBuilder, SAS, Visual Basic, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#.NET, and XBase.
  • The default language used for compiler output is now English, instead of SAS.
  • The Preferences dialog (Edit | Preferences) has been changed to provide a drop-down list of supported languages, rather than using radio buttons. The same change was also made to the Compiler dialog (Compiler | Compile).
  • Registry settings for the current user have been modified and are now found in the standard location HKEY CURRENT USERSoftwareCatalystLogicGem. This will have the effect of clearing any preferences set by the user. To adjust your general and compiler preferences, select Edit | Preferences from the menu.
  • A problem where temporary files were not being created correctly has been fixed. This would affect tables that were created and compiled, but not yet explicitly saved by the user.
  • Minor cosmetic changes to the user interface has been made, such as aligning user interface objects and changes to how the worksheet and compiler MDI child windows are displayed.


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