
SKU: SIGMAPLOT Categories: , , Brand:


SigmaPlot is a scientific data analysis and graphing software package with advanced curve fitting, a vector-based programming language and macro capability.

SigmaPlot, you can produce high-quality graphs without spending hours in front of a computer. SigmaPlot offers seamless Microsoft Office integration, so you can easily access data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and present your results in Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

SigmaPlot provides all the fundamental tools you need to analyse your data from basic statistics to advanced mathematical calculations. Click the View Column Statistics button to instantly generate summary statistics including 95% and 99% confidence intervals. Run t-tests, linear regressions, non-linear regressions and ANOVA with ease. You can fit a curve or plot a function and get a report of the results in seconds. Use built-in transforms to massage your data and create a unique chart, diagram or figure.

Key Features:

  • Graphing Features
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Global Curve Fitting
  • Dynamic Curve Fitting
  • Advisory Statistical Analysis
  • Standard Curves Macro
  • Improved 3D Graph Customisation
  • Share Your Data
  • Automatic Updating of Quick Transforms
  • Pre-Formatted Worksheets
  • New Worksheet Features
  • Publish Your Charts and Graphs Anywhere
  • SigmaPlots Notebook Functionality
  • Import/Export Features
  • Automate Routine and Complex Tasks
  • Symbol Types
  • SigmaPlot Report Editor
  • Page Layout and Annotation Options


SigmaPlot – Features

Produce high-quality graphs without spending hours in front of a computer

New Features for Version 10

General Features

  • The New Startup Screen lets both new and power users quickly jump into their workflow with easy access to recently used documents, use existing documents as templates for new work, or fast import of Excel and Access documents
  • The Submission Assistant will save users time from having to research publication graph requirements, and prevent editor bounce-back
  • More efficient integration with SAS and Minitab preventing duplicate copies of user data
  • Get real-time feedback of the graph coordinates with your mouse cursor on a graph
  • Laboratories can easily track and log changes to notebooks from multiple users, simplifying security and 21 CFR Part 11 compliance
  • Other features include importing popular graphic files directly on to the SigmaPlot graph page, a new Installer and Network License Manager, and improved Graph Defaults

Graphing Features

  • Visually differentiate groups within your data and achieve the desired graphical aesthetic with more Line Types and Fill Patterns
  • New 3D Mesh Plots with Contour Projections enhance the visualization of three dimensional data coordinate values
  • SigmaPlot 10 automatically interpolates and graphs irregularly spaced three-dimensional data to quickly generate smooth and highly accurate mesh and contour plots from any 3D data sets
  • Polar Plot angular direction support allows users customize the angular direction that best fits the conventions for their data
  • New axis scales for two and three-dimensional graphs including Weibull axis scale, Reciprocal axis scales, and Arrhenius scales
  • Easier manipulation of the graph elements even with object is buried under other items
  • Quickly customize the size and position of multiple graphs and graph page objects

Data Analysis Features

  • You can be confident that the best curve fit was found when using SigmaPlot’s New Dynamic Fit Wizard
  • It is now easy to add confidence and prediction bands to nonlinear regressions
  • Optional Chi-Square Regression Weighting gives the flexibility to do curve fitting according to the statistical conventions of the user’s research area
  • Perform computations, run macros, and perform curve fitting with the twelve new probability functions
  • Transforms can now be stored in SigmaPlot notebooks to tie them to a particular worksheet, password and audit log protect the transform, or build a custom transform library

General Features

Large, Scientific Worksheets

  • Over 32,000 columns by millions of rows
  • Handles numeric, text (categorical), and date & time data
  • Automatically generate column statistics
  • Data sorting
  • Rename column and row titles
  • Insert colour, symbols, line styles and bar patterns
  • Insert and delete rows and columns
  • Row and column cell clipping and in-place editing
  • Independent graphically adjustable row height and column widths
  • Missing data handling
  • Data point sampling
  • Multiple worksheets per session
  • Graphical feedback of current curve and datapoint
  • Text support of up to 256 characters
  • Change the font type and grid colours
  • Zoom in and zoom out
  • Change font for worksheet
  • Multiple Undo
  • Format empty cells – formatted selected columns even if they do not contain data
  • More flexible column titles allow for duplicates and numeric only titles
  • Enhanced data/time recognition and more formats
  • Arrow-key functionality is similar to that of Microsoft Excel
  • Freeze Panes
  • Multi-line editing – text wraps to fit the column while the row height automatically adjusts
  • Print preview
  • Find and replace data from among millions of rows and columns
  • Format text based cells with independent fonts
  • Multiple sorting
Microsoft Office Integration
  • You can open Excel spreadsheets directly inside SigmaPlot, allowing you to use the many features Excel offers. Use in-cell formulas and other Excel data analysis tools on your data.
  • One-click access to directly launch SigmaPlot from Microsoft Excel
SigmaStat 3.1 Integration
  • SigmaStat’s statistical capabilities are directly accessible in SigmaPlot through the statistics menu
  • Over 30 of the most frequently used statistical tests to analyze scientific research
  • Advisor Wizard guides you through the process of choosing the appropriate statistical test
  • Report generation that translates the statistics into plain and simple English
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Non-parametric tests: t-tests, ANOVA
  • One-way, two-way, three-way ANOVA
  • Repeated measures
  • Rates and proportions
  • Correlation
  • Survival analysis (Kaplan-Meir)
  • Power and sample size analysis
Symbol Types
  • Over 80 symbol types
  • 30 new symbol types that include half-filled and BMW styles
  • Edit font when using text as symbol
  • Access new symbols directly from graph properties dialog, toolbar, legend page, and the symbol dialog box
  • More line types such as dash and gap patterns
  • More fill patterns, for bar charts and area plots, that can be independently set from the line colour
“Picking from Column” Option
  • Enter colours, patterns, symbols, line styles, tick mark intervals, tick labels and more directly into your worksheet to customize your graph the way you want. Transforms and “picking from column” allow you to create data dependent colour gradients, symbols and sizes
SigmaPlot Notebook
  • Can hold SigmaPlot worksheets, Excel worksheets, reports, documents, regression wizard equations, graph pages, and macros.
  • New dialog-bar-based notebook that has several states: docks, resizable, hide-able, summary information mode, etc.
  • Browser-like notebook functionality that supports drag-n-drop capabilities
  • Direct-editing of notebook summary information
  • Axon Binary, Axon Text, ASCII Plain, Comma and general import filter, 1-2-3T, Symphony T, Quattro T, Excel, dBASE E, DIF, SigmaPlot for DOS 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, SigmaPlot 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 for Windows, SigmaPlot 4.1 and 5.0 for Macintosh data worksheets, SYSTAT, SigmaScan Pro, SigmaScan, SigmaScan Image, Mocha
  • Import and ODBC compliant database
  • Run SQL queries on tables and selectively import information
  • ASCII Text, Tabbed, Comma, 1-2-3T, Excel, DIF, SigmaPlot 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 for Windows, SigmaPlot 5.0 for Macintosh data worksheets, SigmaScan Pro
  • PDF and HTML export of graphs and reports
Export Graphs Options
  • Export an individual graph, a group of graphs and objects, or an entire page
  • Different levels of resolution and colour depths: EPS, TIFF, JPEG, WMF, BMP
  • True colour EPS vector
  • Compressed CMYK TIFF
  • Publication Help: guides user through the complexities of selecting the correct DPI, image size, file export format, etc.
  • True CMYK EPS export
Publish as Web Page
  • Export graphs as high-resolution Web objects
  • WebViewer: free browser plug-in to view data used to create graph or print, pan and zoom in on graph without losing resolution
  • The WebViewer supports IE 4.01 or higher. A screen-resolution JPEG file is automatically displayed for other browser applications and operating systems
Automate Routine and Complex Tasks
  • Visual Basic compatible programming using built-in macro language interface
  • Macro recorder to save and play-back operations
  • Full automation object support – use Visual Basic to create your own SigmaPlot-based applications
  • Run built-in macros or create and add your own scripts
  • Add menu commands and create dialog boxes
  • Toolbox menu: helpful macros appear as a separate menu item
  • Export graph to PowerPoint Slide (macro)
  • New ‘Insert Graph to Microsoft Word’ Toolbox macro
  • New keyboard shortcuts in the Graph Properties and most Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts in the worksheet
Windows Application
  • Excel, Word and PowerPoint for Office 2000 and Windows 2000 support ToolTips
  • Tips and Tricks at startup
  • Full 32-bit implementation
  • OLE 2 container and server
  • Use Excel worksheets inside SigmaPlot
  • Uninstaller
  • Controls have bitmaps to give feedback about selections
  • Right mouse button property editing
  • Selection of objects on graph page
  • Full precision and date/time Microsoft Excel copy and paste

SigmaPlot – System Requirements

System Requirements

Minimum Hardware Requirements for Client

  • Pentium II, 300MHZ or better
  • 256MB RAM
  • 80MB available Hard disk space
  • CD-ROM drive
  • SVGA/256 colour graphics adapter (800 x 600, High Colour recommended)

Minimum Software Requirements for Client

  • Windows 2000, or
  • Windows NT 4.0, or
  • Windows XP
  • Internet Explorer 5.1 or higher. Office 97 or higher (for Excel Integration, Paste to Powerpoint macro, and Insert Graphs into Word macro)

Minimum Hardware Requirements for Server

  • Pentium II, 300MHZ or better
  • 256MB RAM
  • 100MB available Hard disk space
  • CD-ROM drive
  • SVGA/256 colour graphics adapter (800 x 600, High Colour recommended)

Minimum Software Requirements for Server

  • Windows 2000, or
  • Windows NT 4.0, or
  • Windows XP


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