Spread COM

SKU: SPREADVB Categories: , , Brand:


Grid and spreadsheet component for 16/32 bit VBX, OCX, DLL.

Spread COM is a powerful spread sheet solution. With Spread you get flexibility at the cell level for maximum control over the display and entry of the data, plenty of events to respond to user changes and an extensive list of built-in calculation functions with the easy to use Spread Designer, a design-time tool with a point-and-click interface.

When a simple grid does not meet your needs, use Spread which has control that exceeds the grid capabilities. Find calculation accuracy and data scalability in a control that also provides a highly customisable interface.

Key Features:

  • Calculation Engine with Built-in Formulas: Spread includes a very comprehensive calculation engine to provide formula support, including providing over 100 of the most commonly used functions.
  • Print Support: Spread gives you control over printing with options such as page ranges, data ranges, headers and footers, margins, orientation, grid lines and colors.
  • Print Preview control: The included print preview control makes it easy to preview the printed spreadsheet.
  • Visual Template Designer: Design spreadsheets with our run-time design tool. It lets you set properties, formatting, data sources, calculations and more without writing code.
  • Data Binding and Automatic Display: Spread can automatically retrieve and display information from ActiveX objects (ADO), Data Access Objects (DBO) and Remote Data Objects (RDO).

Spread COM – Features

Use FarPoint’s Spread to incorporate advanced grid and high-level spreadsheet features into applications. It provides flexibility at the cell level for maximum control over the display and entry of the data, plenty of events to respond to user changes and a feature list that includes import/export capabilities, enhanced printing, thirteen cell types and formulas.

Features include:

  • Define multiple column and header rows
  • Merge columns or rows that contain identical data for easier viewing of the data
  • Create a cell span to join multiple cells
  • Search for specified text or values in a column or row
  • Rotate cell or header text 90 degrees, 180 degrees or 270 degrees
  • Identify any column by giving it a unique name when moving columns
  • Display negative numbers as red in currency, number and percent cells
  • Set user-defined tags for a specified cell, column, row or the entire spreadsheet
  • Type one or more characters to search for an item in the list of a combo box cell automatically
  • New Percent cell type
  • Enhanced Currency cell type
  • Enhanced Number cell type
  • Allow data to overflow into adjacent empty cells while edit mode is on in a cell
  • Display a spin button in a currency, date, number, percent or time cell
  • Copy, Move or Swap the data and formatting in a range of columns, rows or cells in the spreadsheet
  • Create a spreadsheet with up to 2 billion rows by 2 billion columns
  • Drag and drop data anywhere in the spreadsheet control
  • Use the clipboard copy, cut and paste shortcut keys
  • Prevent editing of data by locking any cell data
  • Create headers by allowing cell data to overflow into adjacent cells
  • Support the IntelliMouse
  • Freeze the top-most rows or the left-most columns from scrolling to allow certain data to be viewed at all times
  • Use the Operation modes to set Spread to read-only or let it act as a single or multi-selection listbox
  • Import and export spreadsheet files in Microsoft Excel 97 format (BIFF 8) 32-bit versions only
  • Export spreadsheet files as HTML (version 3.2 and greater) files 32-bit versions only
  • Export a range of cells or the entire spreadsheet in ASCII text format to a file and specify the delimiters to be used to separate data in the file
  • Supports OLE drag and drop
  • Provide text tips and cell notes
  • The Spread control can display scroll tips as users move the scroll box
  • Export a range of cells or the entire spreadsheet in XML format to a file or a buffer
  • 27 methods and 20 events have been enhanced for use in scripting environments
  • Display up to 32K of data in each cell
  • Customise the interface by changing the font and background and foreground colours of any cell
  • Set more than one border colour and style for the same cell
  • Customise the background and text colour for selected cells
  • Cells in the Spread control can have notes associated with them
  • Cells can display ellipsis points when left-aligned text is too long to fit in the cell
  • Provide the most popular data and database formats using thirteen cell types:
    • Button:
      • Display a push button in a cell
      • Include text, graphics or both.
    • Checkbox:
      • Display a check box, text and/or picture in a cell
      • Allow true, false or greyed states.
    • Combobox:
      • Display a drop-down list in a cell.
    • Currency:
      • Display or allow editing of a currency value in a cell.
    • Date:
      • Display or allow editing of formatted dates in a cell.
    • Edit:
      • Display or allow editing of text in a cell.
    • Formatted PIC:
      • Display or allow editing of a formatted PIC (mask) in a cell.
    • Number:
      • Display or allow editing of a numeric value in a cell.
    • Owner Drawn:
      • Display a user-defined picture using Window’s APIs.
    • Percent:
      • Creates a percentage cell.
    • Picture:
      • Display a picture in a cell
      • Choose between .bmp or .ico file formats.
    • Static Text:
      • Display non-editable, nonscrolling text in a cell.
    • Time:
    • Display or allow editing of a formatted time value in a cell.
  • Printing:
    • Create custom print configurations by specifying margins, page orientation, borders, headers, gridlines, colours and shadow effects
    • Print a block of cells, a range of pages or only the columns and rows that contain data
    • Use the Print Preview control
    • Calculate the number of pages to print based on the current print settings
    • Query the next page break by row or column
    • Define the starting page number to print in the header of the first page
    • Specify the order in which pages are printed (down then across or across then down)
    • Print a spreadsheet to an owner-defined area of the page to print multiple items on a single page.
  • Sorting and Calculations:
    • Use up to 256 keys to sort data by column or row, in ascending or descending order
    • Sort by clicking column headers using built-in sort
    • Use the Calc Engine to perform complex mathematical functions with named expressions and relative cell addressing
    • Add user-defined custom functions for greater flexibility
    • Use one of 74 functions (includes 61 new functions) in formulas
    • Re-calculate the value of an individual cell
    • Retrieve and set data in float or integer cells as numeric values
    • Query the list of, retrieve information about or remove custom functions.
  • Data Binding:
    • Bind the spreadsheet to ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 2.0 using OLE DB technology, Data Access Objects (DAO) and Remote Data Objects (RDO)
    • Save any user-entry changes back to the database automatically
    • Increase control by validating when and what data gets written to the database
    • Insert unbound columns or load specified fields into a bound spreadsheet
    • Increase data access speed by using the Virtual Data Manager to control the number of records that are read and displayed at any one time.
  • Spread Designer:
    • WYSIWYG interface
    • Open and design multiple spreadsheets
    • Apply any view from Spread Designer back to the original control
    • User-friendly design-time interface that includes dockable toolbars and help balloons .


  • 32-bit ActiveX
  • 32-bit DLL.


  • Visual Basic 5.0 32-bit and higher
  • Visual C++ 4.2 and higher.

NEW Features in version 8 include:

  • New Formula Functions

  • Ability to create a custom cell
  • A 64-bit DLL control
  • Shape and color settings for cell notes
  • New OCX methods for saving and loading to/from a buffer
  • New event for circular references
  • Enhanced appearance
  • Enhanced appearance for headers and sheet corners
  • Enhanced appearance for scroll bars
  • Enhanced appearance for sheet tabs
  • Enhanced selection highlighting
  • Additional export options when exporting to HTML
  • Users can apply a secondary sort using control-click

NEW Features in version 7 include:

  • Multiple sheets
  • Cross-sheet formula Referencing
  • Unicode support
  • Moving rows or columns allowed, with visual indication
  • New scientific notation cell type and number formatting
  • Faster, improved sorting
  • Enhanced Spread Designer
  • Customize the colors, widths, and heights of the scroll bars
  • Double-click the header to automatically resize the column to the widest text
  • Scalable (percentage) printing
  • Fit-to-page printing
  • Center page horizontally or vertically for printing
  • Control characters (/time and /date) in the header and footer for printing
  • Enhanced image type support, including .gif and .jpg
  • Expanded text tips (allow >1000 characters)
  • LoadTextFile allows up to 32,000 characters for each cell when loading a file
  • Hide or show the focus rectangle when the cell has focus
  • Automatic positioning of the cursor when going into edit mode
  • Column labels convertible (letters to numbers and numbers to letters)
  • Align text and images in a button cell
  • Maximum column width calculations can include button cells
  • Refresh the bound Spread control without affecting headers
  • Check box cell has familiar Windows appearance
  • Event for scroll tips
  • DataLoaded event fires when all data has been loaded from the database.

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Spread COM – System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows NT, 2000, XP, 95, 98 or ME.


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