TMS VCL Component Sets

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VCL components for Delphi and C++ Builder including planner, grid, chart, Unicode, instrument, asynchronous communication and SQL query components for Microsoft Windows and IntraWeb application development.

TMS Component Pack enables users to create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 300 components in one money and time saving bundle for Delphi 5,6,7,2005,2006,2007,2009,2010,XE & C++Builder 5,6,2006,2007,2009,2010,XE.

So what do the VCL component packs comprise?

  • TMS VCL Subscription: for Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 and C++Builder 5, 6, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE and XE2.
  • TMS Component Studio: bundle comprising five hundred components for Microsoft Windows and IntraWeb application development including planner components, grid components, advanced charts, a Unicode component set, the IntraWeb component set, an asynchronous communication package and instrumentation controls
  • TMS Component Pack: A bundle of over 400 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and more.
  • TMS Grid Pack: comprises TAdvStringGrid, TAdvColumnGrid, TAdvSpreadGrid, TAdvGridExcelIO, TAdvGridRTFIO and TDBAdvGrid
  • TMS Query Studio: access to queries without requiring SQL knowledge. Users can setup complex queries using Query Studio.

Key Features:

  • Flexible printing
  • Enhanced display
  • Easy navigation
  • Flexible file input output
  • Advanced edit controls
  • Have graphics everywhere
  • Available in dropdown version
  • Make the grid formula-aware with tadvspreadgrid

TMS VCL Component Sets – Features

There are several VCL Component Packs including the VCL Subscriptions, Component Studio, Component Pack Pro, Grid Pack for CLX and Query Studio.

Current contents of the TMS VCL Subscription

  • TMS Component Pack Pro
    Over 280 productivity VCL components, including grids, Office 2003/2007 toolbar/ribbon bar, planning, scheduling, calendars, advanced edit controls, web update, enhanced listbox, treeview, combos, CAB file handling, and so much more
  • TMS Unicode Component Pack
    A library with over 50 components enabling you to add Unicode support in your Delphi & C++Builder applications. Includes Unicode replacement components for most of the standard controls.
  • TMS GUIMotions
    Create spectacular 3D animated user experiences in your Delphi applications. Offers 8 different animation modes for images, glyphs, controls.
  • TMS Advanced Charts
    Fast multipane financial graphs & 2D feature rich charting components. Includes a wide range of 2D chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Donut, Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error, … in one or multiple panes with scrolling, scaling, splitter, drag & drop, synchronized scrolling with mouse or keyboard
  • TMS FlexCel Component Suite for VCL
    Powerful suite of components for cross platform native Excel file report generation and Excel file manipulation. Create Excel reports, read Excel files, update Excel files without needing Excel to be installed on your machine.
  • TMS Async32
    Light-weight, fast and easy to use serial communications, with support for direct RS232 communication, modem, terminal, X – Y – Z Modem protocol support
  • TMS Scripter Studio pro
    Native VCL scripting engine for Pascal and Basic with debugger. By building scripting support into your applications, you can provide a high degree of configurability, flexibility and automation control in your applications.
  • TMSDiagram Studio
    Library for adding diagramming and flowcharting capabilities to your applications. Features printing, panning, zooming, clipboard, rotation, snap to grid handling and more. Includes lines, rectangle, polygon, bezier, text blocks, labels and custom diagram blocks support.
  • TMS Query Studio
    Query Studio provides an easy way to give users access to powerful queries without requiring any knowledge about SQL. Users can setup complex queries in an almost natural language way with Query Studio. Dropping the component VisualQuery on the form and connect to the database opens the visual query power of Query Studio.
  • TMS TAdvSpreadGrid
    Grid with formula-awareness, extensive built-in function library, additional math & statistics libraries available, extendable function library architecture.
  • TMS Plugin Framework
    The TMS Plugin Framework offers an architecture for breaking large applications into multiple dynamically loadable packages. This reduces filesize for sending updates by sending only plugin updates or allows distribution of specific functionality modules to a selected group of customers only.
  • TMS Security System
    The TMS Security System facilitates the definition of user rights on a menu or form level. The user management features rely on user/group profiles stored in a database. The users can be grouped and can inherit rights allowing to integrate a highly sophisticated and close grained user management into your application. Only if the user has been granted the specific right by the administrator he can see or use the specific function assigned by the administrator.
  • TMS Skin Factory
    Gives your applications skinning capabilities in a breeze. Why using the old boring Windows styled forms when you can design your own, fancy, modern looking, user-interface.
  • TMS Mailmerge Wizards
    Component set allowing to add mailmerge support for Word 95, Word 97, Word 2000, Word XP, WordPerfect 7, WordPerfect 8 and WordPerfect 2000 to be added in your applications quickly and easily.
  • TMS CETools
    12 Components to enable seamless connectivity between your applications and Pocket PC devices. Copy files, read and write the Pocket PC built-in Contacts, Tasks, Appointments databases, access the Pocket PC registry and more.
  • TMS Instrumentation Workshop
    A library with over 80 components enabling you to create professional looking instrumentation and multimedia applications with digital components like leds, scopes, banners, sliders, knob controls, buttons, meters, high performance timers and much more.
  • TMS Workflow Studio
    Workflow Studio is a Delphi VCL framework for Business Process Management (BPM). With Workflow Studio you can easily add workflow and BPM capabilities to your application,by allowing you or your end-user to create workflow definitions and running them.

The TMS Component Studio contains the 8 component sets listed here

  • TMS Component Pack Pro
    Over 275 productivity VCL components, including grids, Office 2003/2007 toolbar/ribbon bar, planning, scheduling, calendars, advanced edit controls, web update, enhanced listbox, treeview, combos, CAB file handling, and so much more.
  • TMS Advanced Charts
    Create multi-pane or multiserie financial & business charts. Supports Line, Bar, Area, Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, Pie, Donut, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error charts.
  • TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro
    Internet application development with IntraWeb made easier with over 70 controls ranging from advanced edits, calendars, grids, menus and much more.
  • TMS Unicode Component Pack
    A library with over 60 components enabling you to add Unicode support in your Delphi & C++Builder applications. Includes Unicode replacement components for most of the standard controls.
  • TMS Async32
    Light-weight, fast and easy to use serial communications, with support for direct RS232 communication, modem, terminal, X – Y – Z Modem protocol support
  • TMS TAdvSpreadGrid
    Grid with formula-awareness, extensive built-in function library, additional math & statistics libraries available, extendable function library architecture.
  • TMS CetTools
    12 Components to enable seamless connectivity between your applications and Pocket PC devices. Copy files, read and write the Pocket PC built-in Contacts, Tasks, Appointments databases, access the Pocket PC registry and more.
  • TMS Instrumentation Workshop
    A library with over 80 components enabling you to create professional looking instrumentation and multimedia applications with digital components like leds, scopes, banners, sliders, knob controls, buttons, meters, high performance timers and much more

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TMS Grid Pack

TAdvStringGrid: highly supercharged string grid
TAdvGridWorkbook: multisheet version of TAdvStringGrid
TAdvColumnGrid: string grid with flexible column oriented property management
TAdvSpreadGrid: formula-aware spreadsheet version of TAdvStringGrid
TDBAdvGrid: data-aware version of TAdvStringGrid
TAdvPreviewDialog: print preview dialog
TAdvGridPrintSettings: dialog for setting the various grid’s print options
TAdvGridHTMLSettings: dialog for setting the various grid’s HTML export features
TAdvGridFindDialog: dialog wrapping all grid’s find functionality
TAdvGridImportDialog: dialog for help during TXT or CSV file import
TAdvGridExcelIO: native XLS file import & export with TAdvStringGrid, TAdvColumnGrid, TAdvSpreadGrid and
TAdvGridWorkbook TESBMathsLib: ESB Mathematics library for TAdvSpreadGrid by ESB Consultancy
TChartLink: Synchronize TChart’s with grid’s data in a codeless way
TFormCtrlLink: component to link any TWinControl descendent as inplace editor for grids

Through properties you can have :

  • page number, date, time, title in footer or header
  • different header & footer font
  • use cell font and color from display or different print font control
  • automatically splits columns over multiple pages if needed
  • print selected regions from the grid
  • set margins, print centered
  • use repeated fixedrows and fixedcolumns for multiple page output
  • automatic fit to page
  • see before you print with preview
  • specify borders of each cell for printing
  • additional custom printing
  • wordwrapped, rich text, HTML formatted text printing
  • HTML formatted print titles


  • set text alignment to Left, Justify, Right for each cell
  • each cell can have different font & background color
  • select from singleline, multiple line to automatic wordwrap
  • show URLs as real clickable URLs
  • draw ellipsis when text doesn’t fit column
  • hidden columns
  • wallpaper
  • rich text cells


  • automatically advance to next cell
  • single key insert and delete rows
  • automatic cells cut and paste
  • masked edits with autoadvance
  • immediate caret positioning on mouseclick
  • automatic sorting when column headers are clicked with several sort methods and customizations.
  • cell search functions
  • cell editing disable capability
  • different hints for each cell
  • incremental key lookup
  • dynamic scroll hinting
  • easy & intelligent clipboard functions with auto fill and auto expand ranges & rich text aware
  • enhanced row and column moving with position indicators
  • automatic skip over fixed and read-only cells


  • save to file, load from file
  • save to CSV, load from CSV
  • save to XLS, XLS sheets, load from XLS, XLS sheets
  • (native support, without the need to have Excel installed)
  • save to streams, load from streams
  • save to HTML with color, alignment and font markup
  • save / load from formatted ASCII files
  • save to Word DOC files
  • save to XML files
  • load from MDB tables


  • Have your choice of edit controls normal left or right aligned edit controls
  • masked edit controls with automatic cell advancement
  • checkboxes, comboboxes, cell data bound checkboxes
  • datetimepicker, timepicker, datetimepicker with up/down
  • edit control with ellipsis button
  • comboboxes and edit controls with auto-lookup and auto history
  • integer, float, time, date, spinedit control
  • button control
  • radio button control
  • use another custom editor
  • expand/contract node controls
  • rich text inplace editing


  • Add images to your cells control positioning of image on top, bottom, right, left …
  • add icons, bitmaps, imagelist items and data dependent images
  • rotated text
  • multi image cells
  • TPicture, TFilePicture objects opening support for all kinds of graphic formats
  • progress bar
  • button
  • comment indicator


  • simple formula editing interface
  • auto recalculation
  • single cell recalculation, full recalculation
  • extensive range of mathematical functions
  • save with formulas
  • single cell references in formulas
  • cell range formulas
  • formula precision for grid on cell basis
  • display formulas or formula results
  • date / time functions
  • intelligent formula aware copy and paste
  • can be extended with custom functions
  • cell names
  • cell name mode can be RxCy style or A1-style
  • formula & constants libraries
  • inter grid formulas


  • Supports mousewheel events
  • Saves user resized column widths to .INI file or registry
  • Automatical column numbering
  • All kinds of routines to delete, clear, move, hide columns & rows
  • Selection of full rows & columns with mouse
  • Set column headers and fixed rows at design time
  • Disjunct row selection
  • Flat and proportional scrollbars
  • OLE drag & drop within grid and between grid and Excel, Word, …
  • Group and UnGroup functions and grouped sorting
  • Multicolumn filtering

Query Studio

Query Studio provides an easy way to give users access to powerful queries without requiring any knowledge about SQL. Users can setup complex queries in an almost natural language way with Query Studio. Dropping the component VisualQuery on the form and connect to the database opens the visual query power of Query Studio.

General Features

  • Visual definition of SQL, in a natural language-like way
  • Allows definition of source tables and joins
  • Allows definition of order and filtering
  • Exclusive parameter editors feature: a value in the filter condition can be attached to a parameter editor. End-user can change editor value and it will automatically be reflected in SQL
  • Supports SQL syntax for Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Nexus, Interbase, DBISAM and Local BDE
  • Automatically set TDataset properties. Supports BDE, ADO, IBX, DBISAM, Nexus, IBO, DirectSQL and DBExpress dataset descendants
  • Automatic grouping feature for aggregate functions usage
  • Support custom field expressions and custom filter conditions

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TMS VCL Component Sets – System Requirements


  • Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010

  • C++Builder 5, 6, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010

Installing components

Installing multiple trial distributions
As Delphi & C++Builder perform strict binary compatibility checks on binary distributed units such as trial versions of the components, this can cause a problem when using multiple different binary component distributions that have a shared unit (such as the PictureContainer or AdvStyleIF unit) This will prevent the installation of multiple binary trial distributions at the same time in Delphi or C++Builder. The only workaround to use these different trial distribution is to install these in different folders and use the different component packages alternatingly for evaluation purposes. The purchased versions of the components which are delivered with full source code do not have this limitation.

Using components with trial versions of Delphi or C++Builder
CodeGear does NOT support the use of binary component distributions with trial version of Delphi or C++Builder or the free Turbo Explorer IDEs. As such, it is not possible to use TMS Component evaluation distributions with trial versions of Delphi or C++Builder or the free Turbo Explorer IDEs. You can use registered full source based versions of the TMS Components though with trial versions of Delphi or C++Builder (not with the free Turbo Explorer IDEs).

Installing component updates
Before installing component updates, make sure that ALL old version files (DCU, BPL, BPI, LIB, DCP, HPP, OBJ .. files) are removed from your Delphi or C++Builder library path. After installing new component versions and compiling applications that have been build with previous component versions, property errors can be raised upon running the applications. This is a common Delphi or C++Builder phenomenon. Solve this by first opening ALL forms in the application that use the updated component, ignore ALL property errors upon opening the forms, save the form files and after this, rebuild the application. The problem will be solved.

Design time issues with TMS Component Pack Pro
When using the TMS Component Pack Pro components and problems appear such as

  • “Could not Load Image, Invalid Format” error when assigning an image to picture components
  • Right click menus do not appear for TAdvNavBar, TAdvPageControl, TAdvToolBar, ToolPanels, grids, planners etc…

this means you have not installed the design time package as instructed in INSTALL.TXT and README.TXT. Make sure to install the TMSDExx.DPK package and this issue will be solved.

TMS Component Pack Pro components appear on the Delphi 2006 palette but not on the C++Builder 2006 palette
Uninstall the TMS Component Pack Pro package files (TMSD2006.bdsproj & TMSDED2006.bdsproj). Reopen the project file TMSD2006.bdsproj and verify in the options that on the linker tab, the setting “Generate all C++ files” is checked. Rebuild & install the TMSD2006.bdsproj package. Repeat these steps also for TMSDED2006.bdsproj.

When installing components in C++Builder 2006 the error : “Delphi personality is required to load project” appears
The install process of components in C++Builder 2006 requires that the Delphi personality is loaded. Start the IDE with all personalities & proceed to install the components. After installing the components, you can restart the IDE with only the C++Builder personality.

IDE updates
Always make sure to have the latest update packs installed for the IDE that is used. For Delphi 6, make sure that the RTL3 update is also installed. If this is not the case, this can for some components result in the error : “Unit XXXXX was compiled with a different version of VarUtils.VarDateFromStr”.

After uninstalling a component and installing a component update, some components no longer appear on the palette
Delphi or C++Builder has most likely moved the component to hidden components because of the uninstall. Go to the Configure Palette menu and unhide the component and these should reappear correct on the component palette.

Problem with DsgnIntf or DesignIntf not found
Open the package file editor and in the requires list, add DesignIde.dcp (Delphi) or DesignIde.bpi (C++Builder)

Problem with constants declared in different units with the same name
Delphi or C++Builder supports that constants in different units with the same name are used simultanously. For example, the constant psOffice2003Blue is declared in both AdvPanel.pas & AdvOfficePagerStylers.pas. To use these constants in an application that uses both units, prefix the constant with its namespace, ie: For a TAdvPanel style, use AdvPanel.psOffice2003Blue and for a TAdvOfficePager style use AdvOfficePagerStylers.psOffice2003Blue


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