ZENworks Endpoint Security Management

SKU: NOVELZENEM Categories: , , Brand:


Provides policy-based control over all desktop and mobile
PCs-including the ability to automatically change security

Micro Focus ZENworks Endpoint Security Management is a location-aware, policy-based solution that protects the data on every PC, controls how endpoints communicate and access information and monitors and maintains the health of endpoint devices—all from a single console.

Novell ZENworks Endpoint Security Management also features robust client self defense capabilities that provide assurance that security policies are not circumvented, as well as a complete suite of monitoring, alert, reporting and auditing tools.

Key Features:

  • Get powerful protection: All your devices have controls for remote protection.
  • Defend proactively: Put end-user devices behind a potent firewall.
  • Stop hidden bugs: Protect against bugs in USB Storage devices.
  • Enforce safety policies: Create data encryption when you need it the most.


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