ACD Systems

ACD Systems is recognized the world over as the leader in image management and technical illustration software, providing the ACD Family of products, headed by ACDSee and Canvas.ACD delivers the leading platforms for image management and technical illustration, giving consumers and professionals everything they need to manage, create, edit, share, and publish content for print, presentation and the Web faster, easier, and more efficiently.<!– HistoryInitially incorporated in 1989, ACD Systems Ltd. changed its name on April 28, 1993 as it evolved into a software developer for the nascent CD-ROM cataloguing industry. It was realized that a key technological advantage could be found if ACD developed the fastest software JPEG decoder on the market. After intensive research and development, ACDSee was born and quickly evolved into the dominant player in the image viewing and management market. ACDSee was bundled with and became the defacto JPEG decoder/viewer for Mosaic, the very first Web browser. As a shareware program ACDSee quickly dominated the worldwide web and has since built an impressive global user base estimated to be well over 25 million users. ACD Systems Ltd. currently experiences close to a million downloads per month of its software. ACD Systems diversified its business in 2003 by acquiring 410124 Canada Inc. (formerly Linmor Technologies Inc.) and technical illustration software developer Deneba Solutions Inc, (Canvas).Today many Fortune 500 Companies including Daimler Chrysler, Boeing, and NASA rely on ACD Systems for asset management and technical illustration solutions. Additionally, ACD Systems has been honored with numerous awards and industry recognition from leading business, technology and trade publications, corporate and photography associations, and shareware sites.Headquartered in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, ACD Systems also operates a U.S. office in Miami, Florida.–!>

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