
Leostream, a vendor-independent software company, is a driver in the evolving virtualization space and a leader in the management of end-user resources hosted in the data center. The Connection Broker product provides a comprehensive and scalable solution for organizations to deliver and manage desktops, remote sessions, and hosted applications to end-users.The Leostream Connection Broker integrates diverse systems within the data center, and provides the ability to apply business rules to the combined system, making VDI a reality for organizations with complex integration needs. Leostream has joined forces with an array of technology partners to provide customers with a flexible and powerful solution that integrates with a range of technologies to deliver a seamless end-user experience.Leostream works closely with industry leaders such as: Cisco, Citrix, Dell, Devon IT, F5, HP, IBM, IGEL, Intel, Juniper Networks, Microsoft, Novell, Praim/CompuMaster, Red Hat, SonicWALL, Sun, Teradici, VMware and Wyse.

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